Monday, August 31, 2009

here is the links to the pics for both the teachers' day celebrations;

just click it and you're on your way to Facebook hahhas :D

Raya :D # 12 of OneSaintJoan!


Friday, August 28, 2009

i have changed back the picture ontop there ^
Monday teachers day , Going back primary sch right?
I bet all of you looking forward.
I read ur minds ^.^
Have a nice weekend darlings.oh yeah, Thank Raya darling for the beautiful class pic.
Its damn cute la, hahas.

Meilin ( thirty-one ) ;

this is the pic i drew for Mr Chandran! haha :D i hope he likes it!!!! :D hope you, 1J, like it tooo!!! XD! tagged on Facebook!

[excluding Yi Ling]

Photos from Mr Chandran's farewell party:

Rachel (26)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hi! As you know, tomorrow's Mr Chandran's last day in stc. So make it a memorable day and let him enjoy it! Bring your cards, gifts, and everything so ya!

Remember that there's P.E tomorrow, so bring your P.E attire. And remember that we're starting school at 8AM TOMORROW!!!! WOOHOO!!!!

CMC please come to school earlier for decorations thx v. much.

Rachel (26)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

heyys people Raya here! i hope you like it!!! ^^ i made it. hand made. i just scanned it!!! :D you can get the picture if you want to. or ask me to make for you all one!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hi hi hi I'm Rachel here as Raya said we'd be taking turns to post!

So um please remember there's dance tomorrow k! Bring P.E attire or prepare for the painful frog jumps.

Rachel (26)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

heyys!!! Raya's turn now! me and Rachel are going to take turns posting! yay! so that it's more fair. but if any of you wants to post anything, please do so. ok i'm actually here to post about D&T tomorrow. remember to bring the Text Book! and print out the journal! yeah ok here's the link; Design journal_SA2 Photoholder.doc. ok here it is! hahas :D ok i think that is all! if anyone wants to add one to anything, please do so!!! (:

Thursday, August 20, 2009


HIHI. Remember there is P.E tomorrow and must bring your P.E attire okay! Don't make Mrs Dehamel angry again! And bring the map thingy for Geog tomorrow. Those who haven't handed up the project, please do so tomorrow!!

And if I'm not wrong, tomorrow's SWB/CFT, we'll be doing the rest of the d&t presentations. So bring your display boards & product tomorrow just in case if you haven't presented.

Rachel (26)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

heyysss Raya here again forgot to remind 'yall that bring coloring materials for Art tomorrow! :)
heyysss guys!!! here to upadate, me RAYA!!! hahahaas :]. erm. . . i remember that we have GEOGRAPHY port folio assignment!!! remember to do it hor! sorry but i don't know when is it supposed to pass up but most probably the next Geog lesson? maybe. hmm. . . ok that's all for today!!! bye bye!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

hey yo!!! Raya here again. here to remind yall that there is the NAPHA during recess time, tomorrow! remember to bring your PE tee!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

hellos OneJ people! (Y) exams finish! yepee! so happy :D! remember to do our D&T project;
-- Design product[for each]
-- Design journal[all together]
-- Design board[for each item]
-- Presentation slides[all together]

-- Eco-Bin
-- Design boards[2]
-- Presentation Slides

Note: for the presentation, if any of the members are/is present the presentation continues. and it is on the 18th August; you have the weekend to finish it up!

Raya #12

Thursday, August 13, 2009

hello!!!! Raya #12 here again. . .hahahs:D. . . just here to inform yall that there is English and Literature exam tomorrow. . . erm also the retake test for Geography will be next week instead. . . ONE-J, this is our last two papers. . . so work hard. . . so that you could get good marks!!! hahahs. . . :) post ends here!!! see ya!!! :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

heyys. . . One-J people. . . hahhas. . .:D ok remeber to bring Lit Book+ Shakespeare Book. . . also remember to do Ms Koh's english homework; the description writing!!! hahhas :D i have very GOOD news!!!

STC won first for Hockey!!!! Congrats to the STC Hockey players. . . and also the supporters who watched today!!! (: very proud of STC. . . TT^TT sadly i never get the chance to stay until 6.30 pm for the prize giving session!!!

Raya{12} who had fun today :D

P.S. tomorrow no paper (Y) !!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

heyyss. . . Raya here again. . . just here to remind 'yall bout the hockey match tomorrow. . . we will be dismissed 1 period earlier than usual. . . so it means there will be only 1 period for English. . . and also remember to do the problem bout the changes we face. . . but and but don't write a solution. . . cos Mrs DeHamel wants to solve it with the class. . . remember that it is supposed to be passed up tomorrow!!! ok thats all. . . see ya guys!!!! Raya, #12
Heylo! Remember that tomorrow, after school, is the hockey match at Sengkang Stadium. Must support STC okay!! :D

Oh and it's MT and Geography exam tomorrow. GOOD LUCKKKK!!!

Rachel (26)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Today's class picture, with Mr Chandran, Mrs Dehamel and Miss Sim. Cool right HAHAHAHA form, co-form, ex-coform. HAHAHA. Hope you all had fun today! :)

Rachel (26) loved today!

Click to enlarge :)
HAPPY NATIONAL DAY EVERYONE!!! hope you had fun today as much as i did!!!! remember that CAs are next wk. so study for it , ks? ok i totally sound like a mother...hahahs. joking. hahahs. :D

-- Maths
-- Science

-- MT
-- Geog

Thursday no paper but there is the hockey match after school!

-- Lit
-- Eng

after the CA there is still classes.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hey ppl... Hui xuan here again... juz to let u ppl noe, tmr is a half day and monday is a school holiday.. Tuesday onwards is the start of the examinations so good luck!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

harlos people!!! eh, remember to bring acrylic paint for Art tomorrow!!! if no have to write 100 sentence before burrowing your friends'. so REMEMBER TO BRING! kk, Raya {12} is signing off now!!! :D

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

heyys 1J people, Raya here to inform yall bout the LAMBA forms!!! and also the $$, ok? for does with EduSave, pay $45 only while does that doesn't have EduSave, pay the full amount, $95.ok this is just a short post. signing off now.byex2

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hihi girls. Remember that we're assembling in HARD COURT tomorrow k! And we have d&t hawhaw so get ready your materials or be prepared to clean the studio.

Rachel (26)
heyys raya here again!erm...very bored right rite now i'll post our home work, ok?hahahs...

-maths work sheet; Perimeter and Area(Ms Sim's class)
-science work book Chapter 7 & 7.1
-malay Thought Tree thingy(Malay Class only)

erm...sry...idk wif the other subjects.well, byex2!!!
